PSIM Professional 2022.3 Full Version

Altair PSIM has been the leading power electronics and motor drive simulation and design software for over 25 years. With an intuitive, user-friendly interface and powerful simulation tools, PSIM is an all-in-one solution for your simulation and design needs.
It can quickly process power converter loss calculations, calculate motor drive efficiency, conduct EMI analysis and analog/digital control. Altair PSIM also provides automatic embed code generation for rapid control prototyping. In addition, with PSIM's various Design Kits, users can quickly and conveniently design power supplies, electromagnetic interference (EMI) filters and motor drive systems.
Altair PSIM integrates seamlessly with other Altair products (Activate, Embed, Flux/FluxMotor, MotionSolve) and with third-party software, and provides an integrated solution for multi-domain systems , multiphysics.
Features of Altair PSIM
- PSIM is specially designed for power electronics and motor control applications.
- Excellent simulation capabilities.
- Powerful design and toolkit.
- Link to Third Party Tools.
- Wide library of resources and support.
- Simulates high-speed conversion without the convergence problems commonly found in other instruments due to large derivatives in voltage and current waveforms.
- Calculate switching and conduction losses of switching devices (diodes, MOSFETs, IGBTs, SiC/GaN) as well as core and winding losses of inductors.
- PSIM features intuitive design verification tools, including Monte Carlo, Sensitivity, and Failure Analysis to support Design Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (DFMEA) of power converter designs .
- Import custom C code directly into c block without compiler.
- And many more features.